Humanity Care LIBERIA (HCL)

INTRODUCATION: Humanlity Care Liberia (HCL)

Tackling all forms of inequity, including gender inequality, is crucial for sustainable and peaceful development. Gender inequality is about unequal power relations leading to unequal opportunities to satisfy basic needs and develop oneself to one's full potential and a decent living. For Humanity Care Liberia (HCL) working on gender means working with women, men, girls, and boys from all different backgrounds and an intersectional approach. This means we treat people equally no matter their gender, age, class, ethnic background, sexual preference (LGBTI), and physical ability (disabled people).

The adoption of the SDGs confirmed gender equality as a universally recognized core development objective. Women have a critical role to play in all of the SDGs, with many targets specifically recognizing women’s equality and empowerment as both the objective and part of the solution. Goal 5 is known as the stand-alone gender goal because it is dedicated to achieving these ends.1 It also underlines the importance to integrate gender in all other SDGs such as 3 (Good health and well-being) and 16 (Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions).

If the causes of unequal access of women to services and assets and their lack of voice are not addressed, and if we do not understand and work on the underlying factors that cause inequality, Humanity Care Liberia (HCL)’s goals cannot be fully achieved. Gender equality means that the opportunities and life chances of men and women, boys and girls, are equal. The emphasis on gender equality and women’s empowerment reflects a concern that women and men have equal opportunities to make choices about what gender equality means and work in partnership to achieve it. Because of current disparities, equal treatment of women and men is insufficient as a strategy for gender equality. Equal treatment in the context of inequalities can mean the perpetuation of disparities. Commitment to achieving gender equality will require changes in institutional mindsets, practices, and social relations through which disparities are reinforced and sustained. It also requires a strong voice for women in shaping their societies. However, mainstreaming gender alone is not sufficient. To work on gender equality stand-alone programs and projects are necessary.

How We Help

Water Well At Sackor Public School Bahn

We go on quests to rescue schools with safe drinking water.

HCL Women Economic Empowermrnt

We provide free veterinary empowerment for women

HCL Woman Economic Empowerment

We help our women with palm nursery preparation and planting training

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Meet Our Intrepid Rescue Leaders

Mrs. Yorlor Karyar Gaye

Madam Cecelia Johnson

Mr. Zoeyar Abraham Titus

Ms. Mania Powell

Contact Us

Bahn City, Nimba county, Liberia (+231) 886566864/776-881-290/776-018-517/881-020-411


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